Health & Wellness

Discovering and choosing healthy food and lifestyle choices can help keep your body and mind healthy, fuel your success, and improve your overall well-being.

Empowering healthy consumers, a priority objective of our Be Well. Do Well.TM sustainability plan, reinforces our commitment to not only providing tasty healthy options but also fostering a culture of health and wellness.

Our health and wellness program includes a healthy menu strategy, as well as nutrition and other wellness initiatives that promote and support healthy lifestyles.

Our programming focuses on these so-called 4 Es:

  • Enable a food environment that encourages health and well-being by offering a variety of healthy choices every day
  • Educate, inform and empower the communities we serve by providing evidence-based nutrition and wellness information
  • Encourage a heightened level of interest and excitement about healthy and local choices
  • Engage a community that actively participates in and is connected to a culture of health and wellness


Get the Good Stuff™ program

Get the good stuff

The Get the Good Stuff™ program—designed to help consumers make healthier choices more easily—highlights selections made from fresh, simple, and nutritionally dense ingredients that are also lower in calories, saturated fat, and sodium, and contain nutritious whole grains and vegetables.


Look for the Get the Good Stuff™ logo in our participating dining locations for options that meet several of the following nutritional criteria:

  • Made with whole grains
  • Loaded with a minimum of one full serving of colourful vegetables
  • Calories: 500 or less for an entrée and 300 or less for a side, soup, snack, or dessert
  • Total fat: Up to 15% calories from saturated fats only
  • Sodium: 960 mg or less for a sandwich; 720 mg or less for an entrée; and 480 mg or less for a side, soup, snack or dessert

Celebrating plants

Plant poweredOur Plant Powered menu initiative promotes plant-forward eating, which puts plant-based foods at the centre of the plate. While vegetarian and vegan options are also part of menus, our Plant Powered recipes may contain a small trace of animal-based protein for flavour and variety.

Benefits of plant-forward eating


Many plant-based foods provide our bodies with less saturated fat and more fibre than animal-based foods that are linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. Our menus contain many sources of plant-based proteins, such as tofu, beans, and whole grains. A combination of plant-based foods can fulfill the average person’s protein requirements for the day, thereby making them a healthy dietary choice.


Plant forward eating is not only good for your body but it’s also good for the planet because raising meat and producing other, animal-based protein foods requires more water, land and energy than growing plant proteins. By choosing to eat plant forward, you’re choosing more sustainable options than those with higher quantities of animal-based foods.


Tips and recipes from our chefs and dietitians

For inspiring healthy living ideas, recipes and tips from our expert chefs and dietitians, and to sign up for weekly e-newsletters, visit